Spotlight on

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Too Scot to Handle’

GB'sTop Five Must See places in Scotland Neil Gow’s oak on the banks of the River Tay (because the walk to the oak is lovely) Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar on Orkney The Royal Mile in Edinburgh The Culloden Memorial and museum The Robert Burns Museum in Alloway BOOK BLURB: A Man With… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Too Scot to Handle’

Book Review

‘Once Upon a Tartan’ by Grace Burrowes

STORY: Honor or Happiness--He Can't Have Both Tiberius Flynn may be every inch an English lord, but smart, headstrong beauty Hester Daniels has no use for his high-handed ways--no matter how handsome, charming, or beguiling he is. They only see eye to eye in caring about the feisty little girl who is under their protection. Tiberius's… Continue reading ‘Once Upon a Tartan’ by Grace Burrowes

Book Review

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘The Trouble with Dukes’!

BOOK BLURB: They Call Him The Duke of Murder... The gossips whisper that the new Duke of Murdoch is a brute, a murderer, and even worse—a Scot. They say he should never be trusted alone with a woman. But Megan Windham sees in Hamish something different, someone different. No one was fiercer at war than Hamish… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘The Trouble with Dukes’!

Book Review

‘The Soldier’ by Grace Burrowes

STORY: This Regency era battle of wits, wills, and the sexes features a wily duke determined to see the succession of his line secured. The duke can't force his sons to marry, but he can make their lives miserable until they do. Resisting his pressure, each gentleman holds out for true love. The second book in… Continue reading ‘The Soldier’ by Grace Burrowes

Book Review

‘Virtuoso’ by Grace Burrowes

STORY: A genius with a terrible loss... Gifted pianist Valentine Windham, youngest son of the Duke of Moreland, has little interest in his father's obsession to see his sons married, and instead pours passion into his music. But when Val loses his music, he flees to the country, alone and tormented by what has been robbed… Continue reading ‘Virtuoso’ by Grace Burrowes

Book Review, Spotlight on

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Daniel’s True Desire’!

The Joys of True Gentlemanliness… by Grace Burrowes About twenty books ago, I lamented (whined) to one of my brothers that coming up with ways to challenge a romance hero into facing his worst fears and risking all to win the heroine’s heart was taxing my imagination. My brother, without a heartbeat’s pause said, “Make… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Daniel’s True Desire’!

Book Review, Spotlight on

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and The Duke and His Duchess / The Courtship!

My parents recently celebrated their seventieth wedding anniversary—you read that correctly, 7-0. I’m the sixth of their seven children, so I missed a lot of the opening rounds of the Burrowes family story. To make up for that great unfairness, I ask my parents and my older siblings to fill in blanks for me. What… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and The Duke and His Duchess / The Courtship!

Spotlight on

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Tremaine’s True Love’!

What makes a man a gentleman? For a romance writer, this question has to be answered in every book, because implicit in the term “hero” is something of the gentleman. Heroes need not be charming, handsome or wealthy, and they might not even be obviously heroic, at least at the start of the book, but… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Tremaine’s True Love’!

Book Review

‘Tremaine’s True Love’ by Grace Burrowes

STORY: He's had everything he could ever want...until now Wealthy wool magnate Tremaine St. Michael is half French, half Scottish, and all business. He prowls the world in search of more profits, rarely settling in one place for long. When he meets practical, reserved Lady Nita Haddonfield, he sees an opportunity to mix business with pleasure… Continue reading ‘Tremaine’s True Love’ by Grace Burrowes

Spotlight on

Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Thomas’!

STORY: Thomas Jennings arrives to his newly acquired estate to find that his steward has fled under a cloud of scandal, and the property has been held together by Miss Loris Tanner, the steward's daughter. Thomas knows what it's like to not fit in, and he's pragmatic enough to respect results, so he gives Loris a… Continue reading Spotlight on Grace Burrowes and ‘Thomas’!