Book Review

Spotlight on Carla Kelly and ‘For This We Are Soldiers’!


ftwas-ckBOOK BLURB: From master storyteller Carla Kelly comes this collection of frontier tales that take you behind typical army lines and into the hearts of ordinary men and women who love deeply, suffer greatly, and fight bravely.

From handsome hospital stewards and dashing soldiers to courageous children and wives who will pull at your heartstrings, there’s something for everyone’s fancy.

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“As I stood there peeking in the window, I had the most wonderful feeling of being surrounded by love, all kinds of love, and I wanted the moment to last forever.”

REVIEW: This book is a compilation of four previously published stories, plus two new ones. ‘Such Brave Men’, ‘Break a Leg‘, ‘A Season for Heroes’ and ‘Mary Murphy,’  have been published before, while ‘Take a Memo’ and ‘A Leader To His Troops’ are brand new.

As usual  Ms. Kelly gifts us with characters that are of working class, or in this case some sergeants and corporals of the U.S. Army as well as introducing us to some of the strongest women who’ve fought and survived the brutality of the frontier.

Carla’s love of history and attention to detail, as well as her meticulous research of army life in the 19th century America, will have you enjoy these stories to its fullest. They portray a time long past and people who needed integrity and grit in order to survive and thrive in the frontier.

But what I loved most about this book is that every story was touching and heartwarming, with a kernel of wisdom in each. I enjoyed following these characters as they learn to love in difficult times and army conditions.

Worth the read!

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher

ckAUTHOR BIO: Carla Kelly is a veteran of the New York and international publishing world. The author of more than thirty novels and novellas for Donald I. Fine Co., Signet, and Harlequin, Carla is the recipient of two Rita Awards (think Oscars for romance writing) from Romance Writers of America and two Spur Awards (think Oscars for western fiction) from Western Writers of America. She is also a recipient of a Whitney Award for “Borrowed Light,” “My Loving Vigil Keeping,” and “Softly Falling.”


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